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Master Your Tesla Experience

Unlock the full potential of your Tesla with our comprehensive suite of intuitive and efficient features.

Siri Commands

Imagine you're carrying a bunch of bags and it's tough to reach your keys. But with Teri, there's no problem at all! All you need to do is tell Siri to open your Tesla's trunk. Just like that, your trunk opens up, without you needing to put your things down or search for keys. It's like having an extra helping hand when you're loaded up. This makes using your Tesla easier and a lot more fun!

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Need to control your Tesla? With Teri, it's a breeze! All commands are just a tap away on one simple page. Open the trunk, play music, or change temperature - everything is at your fingertips. Easy to use, Teri is perfect for Tesla drivers of all experience levels.

Track Tesla's Battery Health with Ease

Keep an eye on your Tesla's health with Teri! Our app records and monitors your battery health over time, providing valuable insights to ensure your vehicle's long-term performance. With Teri, staying informed about your Tesla's condition is as straightforward as can be!

Support Apple Watch

Tap, speak, go! Teri brings Tesla control to your Apple Watch, making every interaction swift and effortless. Comfort, control, and car data, all on your wrist!

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Stay online, stay in control! With an internet-connected Apple Watch, Teri lets you command your Tesla right from your wrist. No matter where you are, your Tesla is just a tap away.


Experience the magic of Teri's Bluetooth key support. Simply open Teri on your Apple Watch, and your Tesla will automatically unlock when you pull the handle. All without needing internet – just pure convenience.

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